Park Rules and Guidelines
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Welcome, the following information is provided to ensure all visitors have an enjoyable stay.
Office Hours
Generally 8.30am to 5.00pm. Please see individual parks for hours
Situated near amenities blocks. Fee for use of machines. No dog blankets or products permitted in machines.
We are committed to providing a safe environment for all park users. If you observe anything that you feel compromises your safety, please report to the park office as soon as possible. In an emergency or evacuation please follow directions of staff.
Check In/Out (NSW Time)
Check In……..3.00pm accommodation ……..11.00am all other sites Check Out…..10.00am. Late check out fees may apply
Messages will be placed on the park noticeboard near the office. Urgent messages will be delivered to your site.
Site Occupancy
Maximum 6 persons per site. Under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a legal parent or guardian (at the discretion of the park manager).
Please ensure all fees are paid in advance. Boom gates/access will not operate if in arrears. Rates are based on 2 adults – extra fees apply for additional guests, paid for in advance.
Please respect other guests and our neighbours. Quiet time from 10pm till 7am.
Smoking is not permitted in the camp kitchens, cabins, amenities blocks or within 10metres from the playground and pool.
Terms and Conditions
Please refer to the Clarence Coast Holiday Parks Terms and Conditions.
Park Management
It is a condition of occupation that all users abide by the park rules, regulations and any reasonable direction given by park managers, who reserve the right to evict any person who unreasonably breach park rules.
One vehicle is permitted at site. Additional vehicles/boats and parking may be at cost and park manager’s discretion.
5/10 km/h speed limit (walking pace). Roads are shared zones, follow signage and give way to pedestrians /bikes/scooters.
Hot water provided for showers and basins. Please conserve water, consider others and limit times in showers.
Period of Stay
The maximum stays permitted are –
- visitors in a tourist/camping site, 150 days in a 12 month period and, owners of an annual holiday van site
- 180 days in a 12 month period.
All visitors must register at reception before entering the park and if staying appropriate fees paid.
Bicycles and Scooters
Please wear a helmet and not to exceed 10km/h. Avoid around amenities and through sites and after sunset. No electric mode scooters or bikes allowed.
Pets (where permitted) are not allowed in the amenities, camp kitchens, laundry or BBQ areas. Refer also to Pet Friendly Policy. No washing of animal blankets or products in washing machines/laundries.
Waste/Sullage/Dump Point
Please wrap and contain waste, use bins through the park and where available please recycle.
Sullage is to be collected and disposed of to approved sullage points.
Please use chemical dump points provided.
Camp Kitchens
Open at 8:00am and closed at 10.00pm. Please respect others and clean/wipe after use. No alcohol to be kept in fridges.
Play Equipment
All play and sports equipment to be used from 8:00am to sunset.
Please do not feed native birds or wildlife.
Please contact reception for details.
Please supervise children and under age of 10 must be accompanied by a responsible adult when visiting amenities and the pool (if available).
Power Chords
For your safety only 15amp power chords and terminals (plugs). Any supply lead used must be between 10m (min.) and 15m (max) in length.
Wilful Damage
Please leave accommodation in the same condition as upon occupation. If your accommodation is left in an unreasonable unsatisfactory state, or services not billed at time of departure, we reserve the right to debit your credit/debit card or recovery costs for extra cleaning or damage repair costs.
Some of our parks allow contained fires, but not all of the time. Please give each park a call for their requirements. Please refer to our Campfire Policy.
In accordance with the Civil Liability Act 2002, any occupants, guests or other persons who engage in any recreational activity inside or near the holiday park that may result in harm or personal injury do so at their own risk.
Your Site
Please keep site tidy and use facilities for clothes drying, disposal of sullage water and rubbish. NSW Law requires tents and caravans to be 2.5m apart. No perimeter barriers, wind breaks or fences permitted. Additional structures must be approved by park management before installation. See guide for set up.
Please use grassed areas for ball and other games where available and be careful of moving vehicles